Tuesday 14th May 2024

Non-Profit Organization Asking for Donations and Support for Yard Sale-Fund Raiser for the East-Madison County Community Center for Seniors and Children



The East Madison County Community Association is seeking donations for supporting its community center for seniors and children in the Tri-Community area, located in East Madison County.

“We operate this center for seniors and youth with the help, donations and rants from ‘Madison County Trustees, fundraisers and individual donations, such as yourself,” said EMCCA CEO Bernita Benson-Robertson in a letter. “Presently, we are raising funds to update our computers to our learning center and extend our facility to add health screening and fitness programs. ”

Benson-Robertson added, “We feel our computer learning center has been a great asset to the community. We believe basic computer skills should be a basic right to all ages, especially in this age of technology. We, at EMCCA are making our share off efforts to make it possible, but we always have to seek support from people like you as we are a non-government organization.”

EMCCA will hold an Annual Yard Sale, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Saturday, June 18, 2022. at the East Madison County Community Center, located at 682 Tri-Community Road, Jackson, Tennessee, 38305.

There will be lots and lots of stuff, a huge range of items. It’s a moving sale/Big Clean Out!

Items include: home goods, dishes sets, curtains, pictures, beds, sofas, sheets, sheet sets, comforters, quilts, flowers/containers, hats, purses, brand names clothes and shoes, little boys clothes, decorative mugs, furniture, lawn and garden items, water hoses, power tools, vegetable table, rugs and much, much more!

If any vendors are interested, please contact, Eunice Pruitte by email at epruitte0156@att.net.

Also a ticket will be drawn for a $50 gas card!

Tickets are only $5. You do not have to be present to win.

You can also contribute by donating any amount or donating in the form of cash, check, labor, time or whatever means possible.

You can reach EMCCA at 731-424-5593 or 517-290-5659, email bernitabenson7@gmail.com or mail EMCCA, 682 Tri Community Road, Jackson, Tennessee, 38305. For more information, please visit www.emcca-jackson.org.



